Upcoming Events

TCM is excited to partner with Renew.org and Discipleship.org for upcoming events on November 6 – 8, 2019 in the Nashville, TN area.

· Join us November 6th for the Renew Gathering at Harpeth Christian Church as more than 20 speakers talk about being disciple makers of Jesus. For details and registration go to https://renew.org/2019gathering/

· Immediately following Renew Gathering on November 6th join Tony Twist, TCM President, Shodankeh Johnson, Disciple Making Leader in Sierra Leone, and Bobby Harrington, Renew.org Executive Director, for a Celebration of Prayer and Fasting.

· Stay November 7th and 8th for The National Disciple Making Forum at Brentwood Baptist Church to learn practical tools for disciple making from men and women who are active disciple makers. For details and registration go to https://discipleship.org/kingjesus/